It’s that time again, when I get to announce the winner of the Fiction Desk Writer’s Award for our latest volume. Up today is the winner for volume 4, Crying Just Like Anybody.

The Writer’s Award is judged by the contributors to the volume, each contributor getting two votes, and the writer with the most votes wins.

S R MastrantoneWithout further ado, then, the winner of the Writer’s Award is — well, you’ve already seen his photo over there on the right — S R Mastrantone, with his story ‘Just Kids’. Congratulations S R!

‘Just Kids’ should be a popular choice: as well as walking away with the most votes in the Writer’s Award, it’s also been singled out for praise in reviews by Bookmunch (‘a dryly humorous and adroit consideration of modern society’) and Casual Debris. You can also read the author’s blog post about the background to his story here.

So if you’ve not yet read Crying Just Like Anybody, pick up your copy today and check out S R’s story – prices start at just £1.99 for Kindle and epub editions. Meanwhile, we’ll be working on the next volume, which will include among other stories, the winners of our flash fiction competition (to be announced next week).

One Comments on “Announcing the Fiction Desk Writer’s Award for Crying Just Like Anybody

  1. Frank Says:

    Congratulations Simon, and TFD for another strong anthology. Indeed I singled out “Just Kids” as the strongest piece in my review, (along with Richard Smyth’s “Crying Just Like Anybody”). I will add that there is not a single weak story in this collection.

    Keep up the great work.

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