Submission Call: Stories about Houses and Homes


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For stories about the buildings we live in, and how they affect our lives.

Deadline: This call last ran in 2019

Word count: 1,000-20,000 words

Submission fee: standard (see submission guidelines).

Payment and rights: standard (see submission guidelines).

How to submit: Read the submission guidelines, then send us your story through our submission form. Choose the ‘Houses and Homes’ submission type at the top of the form.

There are so many stories to tell about houses and homes, from the political to the personal: the way changing house prices can split and shape communities and families; the psychological aspects of owning, renting, and living in houses; homelessness and precarious living; the changing nature of housing through history (and into the future…); and so on. Both realistic and fantastic approaches are welcome.

The theme can be the central driving force of your story, or part of the background, adding context and depth. To encourage a diverse selection of stories, writers should feel free to interpret the theme as tightly or loosely as they like: any stories that stray too far will still be considered as general submissions.

Remember that stories should be about people, and resist the temptation to simply rewrite a newspaper headline as fiction. If your story addresses a political aspect of the theme, it still needs to lead with believable and engaging characters.

Submitting to The Fiction Desk

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