In the weeks since the Booker longlist was announced, book bloggers have been throwing their other challenges aside and getting to work reviewing the nominees. Here’s the longlist, with links to some of the reviews that have already appeared on the Blogosphere:

(If you have a blog and you’ve reviewed one of these, add a link in the comments and I’ll update the list.)

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga

Girl in a Blue Dress by Gaynor Arnold

The Secret Scripture by Sebastian Barry

From A to X by John Berger

The Lost Dog by Michelle de Kretser

Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh

The Clothes on Their Backs by Linda Grant

A Case of Exploding Mangoes by Mohammed Hanif

The Northern Clemency by Philip Hensher

Netherland by Joseph O’Neill

The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie

Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith

A Fraction of the Whole by Steve Toltz

28 Comments on “Bloggers take on the Booker longlist”

  1. Petulia Says:

    Very helpful, thanks! It must have taken you a long time to gather all this info.

  2. Rob Says:

    Especially the second time, after half the post vanished…

  3. Stewart Says:

    I’m running a bit behind in my Bookerthon, but two reviews are up: Child 44 and The White Tiger.

  4. Rob Says:

    Thanks Stewart, I’ve added them to the list!

  5. John Self Says:

    I’ve also got posts on A Fraction of the Whole, Netherland, From A to X and The Secret Scripture (with all the others to follow in the next week or two), but I’m too modest to say…

  6. Rob Says:

    Thanks John, updated!

  7. Teresa Says:

    Great collection of links! And thanks for linking to my Child 44 review. My review of A Case of Exploding Mangoes is now up. A Fraction of the Whole, The Enchantress of Florence, and From A to X are sitting on my shelf waiting to be read, and The White Tiger is on the way from the library, but I’ll have to take a break from the Booker and read On the Road for my book club first. :-)

  8. Rob Says:

    Thanks Teresa! I’ve updated your Mangoes, so let me know when the others are up. In the meantime, enjoy On the Road…

  9. Redheadramble Says:

    Thanks Rob for linking to my review, it is really handy to have a collection of everyones Booker reviews – its beginning to feel like a virtual book club…

    I have just posted my review of the Secret Scripture

  10. Rob Says:

    I’m glad you like it! I’ve updated your review of the Secret Scripture.

  11. Stewart Says:

    One more up: The Clothes On Their Backs.

  12. Trevor Berrett Says:

    Rob, this is a great compendium of views! I’d never visited many of these sites before, so I’m glad you’re doing a lot of work to get people connected – one of the greatest things about blogging!

    Just posted a review of A Fraction of the Whole. The Secret Scripture will be going up Wednesday followed by The Clothes On Their Backs on Saturday. I look forward to seeing everyone else’s views as my reads are getting finally better!

  13. Rob Says:

    Thanks Trevor, I’m glad you like it! I’ll be keeping an eye on your blog and updating the links as they come in…

  14. John Self Says:

    Don’t know if you’re still updating this Rob, but I’ve now completed the Booker Prize longlist, and have reviews up on The Clothes on their Backs, A Case of Exploding Mangoes, The Lost Dog and The Northern Clemency. And pleased to be done with it!

  15. Rob Says:

    Hi John,

    Yes, I am still updating it! I’ve had some time off, but I’m back at the desk, so to speak. I’ll go and grab those links now…

  16. Rob Says:

    Done! You win the Booker bingo…

  17. John Self Says:

    Great! And the prize is – a month of my life that I’ll never get back!

  18. Rob Says:

    Never mind, at least you’re ready to flog the winner on eBay before everybody else does…

  19. William Rycroft Says:

    Hello there. I haven’t the strength of John Self to take on the entire longlist but I have posted up a review of ‘Sea Of Poppies’. By the time I make it round to any of the others they’ll probably have awarded the thing.

  20. Rob Says:

    Hi William,

    thanks for your comment. I’ve updated the list with your review, and I’ll be reading more of your blog soon, I think…

  21. Candy Schultz Says:

    I reviewed The Northern Clemency and Netherland on my blog and on

    I have yet to start on the shortlist. Still awaiting arrivals from England.

  22. Rob Says:

    Thanks, Candy. I’ve added your reviews to the list!

  23. LizzySiddal Says:

    My review of “The White Tiger” is now available here.

  24. doug perkul Says:

    Hi there – we also reviewed The White Tiger but did not like it much :-(

  25. Rob Says:

    Thanks Doug, updated!

  26. The best books I didn’t read this year Says:

    […] managed to avoid reading a single one of these, including the winner, White Tiger by Avidne Avigna. Others made a better job of it. This could become something of a tradition, if I don’t accidentally read any of next […]

  27. The Booker Prize Longlist 2009 Says:

    […] year, another Booker. After last year’s fun but not particularly informative blog roundup, I thought I’d take another crack at looking at what bloggers have said so far about the […]

  28. Book bloggers blog the Booker books Says:

    […] year I try to do a rundown of the Booker longlist according to the book blogs. (Here’s 2008 & 2009.) I’m running a little late this year – don’t look at me like that, […]

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